NFL POOL MANAGER '94 ==================== The application is shipped with the following files: NFLPOOL.EXE NFLPOOL.INI NFLPOOL.HLP NFL.ICO THREED.VBX SPIN.VBX You additionally require the following file: VBRUN300.DLL (If you need this file you can download it from CompuServe by accessing the Microsoft Software Library, "GO MSUSER". From the Software Library search panel enter a search string of either SNumber = S14631 or Filename = VBRUN300.EXE) --------------------------------- Upgrading from an earlier version --------------------------------- *WARNING* DO NOT overwrite your current NFLPOOL.INI file unless you really want to reset all of your data! 1) Overwrite NFLPOOL.EXE and NFLPOOL.HLP in your existing directory with the newer versions. 2) If you havn't done so already, see Help file for details of how to say Thanks! ----------------- New Installations ----------------- This program runs under Microsoft Windows v3.1 and later. 1) Copy NFLPOOL.EXE, NFLPOOL.INI, NFLPOOL.HLP and NFL.ICO to a new directory (eg C:\NFLPOOL) 2) Copy THREED.VBX, SPIN.VBX and VBRUN300.DLL to your Windows System directory (probably called C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM) 3) Run NFLPOOL.EXE 4) See Help file for details of how to say Thanks! Enjoy! Simon Torrington 100336,3377 --------------- Version History --------------- 2.04 New Picks Summary can be viewed and printed. Pool standings can be sorted by Total Wins or Percent. Player Names can be auto-printed on Pick Sheets. Fixed bug with certain Tie-Break calculations. Many minor improvements to printed output. Date: 11-Sep-94 20:58:10 FileSize: 157,020 2.03 Additional Tie-Break method now selectable via menus Date: 23-Aug-94 12:28:34 FileSize: 145,215 2.02 Removed limit of 30 players by adding a value in NFLPOOL.INI file Reversed logic in Points Spread results calculations to suit USA! Date: 28-Jul-94 20:38:20 FileSize: 142,655 Note: NFLPOOL.EXE filesize is identical to previous version 2.01 Fixed problem with NFL Tables containing wrong team names Date: 12-May-94 13:27:16 FileSize: 142,655 2.0 Initial CompuServe release